He was 6lbs 13oz and 19inches long.
I checked into the hospital on Monday evening, the 13th, to be induced. I got settled into my room and around 10pm the nurse gave me a dose of cytotech. At that time she said I was about 1cm which was an improvement from earlier that day when I had an appt with my OB who said was had no dialated at all yet. At around 2am the nurse came back in again and gave me a second dose of the cytotech and at that time she said there'd been no change. I did my best to try to sleep but I was so excited to know I was going to be meeting my baby boy soon I couldn't sleep any more than little cat naps. Around 5am the nurse let me use the bathroom and walk around a bit then I was hooked up to the pitocin drip. It really didn't do a whole lot until around 12:30pm when my OB came in to check me out and decided that no matter what I was going to have this baby, there was no turning back, so he broke my water. After that I had some pretty strong contractions and I so wanted my epidural. Come to find out I couldn't have the epidural because after checking in last night I took my dose of lovenox, a blood thinner, and I had to wait at least 24hrs after that dose before I could have the epidural. I suffered through some horrible contractions until 6pm when finally they decided to take me off the pitocin, as it wasn't doing anything but hurting me anyway. Let me eat and take a whirlpool bath, gave me a dose of morphine and let me sleep for the night. Technically because my water was broken I was still in "labor" but my body was not doing anything to help me deliver this baby. At 5am the following morning the anesthesiologist came in, gave me the epidural. The RN hooked me back up to the pitocin and now we were rocken!! I was having a lot of contractions and finally I was dialating. At 4pm I was finally ready to push and tried a practice push. At that time we stopped and let the nurse call the dr and get the room ready and around 4:45 we started to really try pushing. I was getting three pushes in to every contraction which was great but I don't recommend it! That was a lot of hard work that wasn't necessary. By 5:10pm his head was crowning and I was in 7th heaven just loving that I was finally going to have my baby boy safe and sound in my arms in just a matter of minutes. I got him out to the tops of his ears when the RN said we needed him delivered immediately, she wasn't getting a heartbeat! So I grabbed up my legs and pushed with all my might and in two pushes he was out with a healthy beautiful scream. My OB put my son on my chest while he sewed up the beautiful tears I created by delivering him so fast and I was in love, couldn't take my eyes off him. My James Albert Jr who is nick-named Joey was finally here. We call him Joey because my husband wanted a junior. I had to give him that, he's a wonderful husband and I knew he was going to be a wonderful father as well. But I hate the name and we could not agree on a nick-name that goes with James. So my husband told me I could call him whatever I wanted as long as his legal name is junior. So, Joey he is and I call him Joey James quite frequently, it has a nice ring to it and it will help him get used to his legal name as well.