Well it's been a trip this past month of being the mommy of two boys. It's been wonderful and exhausting all at the same time.
Joey has developed into a loving big brother, almost too much so. He wants to hold Joshy all the time and won't leave the poor baby alone! LOL I put Joshy in the swing and Joey goes over and stops the motion to kiss him and try to pick him up. It's so adorable yet so annoying!!
We had to start doing two naps a day with Joey to help ward off temper tantrums. He was getting really bad with tantrums. He would hit, kick, head-butt, bite..you name it. I got to the point that I'd put him in his crib to give us all a time out from him and found that he'd fall asleep or be in the middle of trying to fall asleep within minutes! I took the hint and it's helped a ton! I don't know why he needs the extra nap at this age but if he needs it he can have it. It's not affected his night time sleep so why not right? Since doing this he's been my loving adorable happy little boy (and big brother) that I knew he was/would be.
He's developing wonderfully too and learning. He can point out the letters J and O and sometimes A. The kid doesn't talk but he's learning his letters! LOL I'm trying to work more with getting him to talk but it's not easy and I don't really know what I"m doing :(
Joey is a great helper. He's turning into my little go-for and it's so much easier having him bend over to pick up something than for me to do it with a baby in my arms. He loves to help and I love having his help.
Joshy is doing wonderfully. He's definately growing well. At his last dr appt he was 8lbs 15oz and I know he's added more since then. It's so hard to see your babies adding weight or growing but recently it's hit him how much bigger he appears so that tells me he is growing!
He is a great baby. He cries more than Joey did but it's never for no reason. Joey didn't complain about a wet diaper but Joshy does so that makes a difference. He's loving his swing when Joey will let him swing. He loves to cuddle and be held. He loves his pacifer. He is doing great with nursing and so far we've not had ANY problems with it (Please God leave it that way). I've introduced him to a bottle and he takes it wonderfully but does appear to have a little issue with nipple confusion after the fact. It's difficult to get him to latch onto me after a bottle but he will do it eventually.
Joshy loves his bath times. I bet he'd like to live in the warm bath water! LOL He also loves being swaddled and being toasty warm. He doesn't like to get chilled in any way.
He's sleeping with mom right now but mom is hoping that ends soon. I love having him close but it's getting difficult for me to sleep when he's moving or making noises. I moved Joey from my bed at 2 mos of age so I'm hoping Joshy will move around that same time as well.
Joshy gave me a smile the day before he turned one month old!!! He was awake and I was talking to him and he smiled at me twice! It wasn't gas but I think he was just trying out his facial muscles. I have gotten one more smile since then so I'm hoping they'll be meaningful real soon!
All in all our house is doing great and we feel very blessed to have such wonderful and healthy, happy content little boys.