
Joshua James was born January 28th 2007 at 3:38pm. He was born via c-section at a whopping 8lbs 8oz and 22 inches long. His apgars were 8/9 even though he did have wet lungs at birth with hyperpnea (fast respirations) and required a few hours of NICU care to make sure he normalized on his own. He did great soon after arriving in the NICU which we were very grateful for. He was a little jaundice as you can see in the pictures but never anything that needed treating. He is a perfect little baby, he nurses like a champ and is very healthy now. He loves to cuddle and is an awesome sleeper! He's typically sleeping 6-8hrs at night unless I leave him alone in the bassinet then he's up every 3hrs like he should be! LOL He loves sleeping in mommy's arms and mommy loves having him there. Big brother Joey slept with mom the first 2 mos as well so it's all pretty typical in this house :)
Joey's had a rough time adjusting to his new little brother but I think a lot of it has to do with his health. The poor kid started a low grade fever on Christmas eve and has had it off and on ever since! He'll have a fever for a few days, no fever for a few then it's back again! I've taken him in to the dr and it's never his ears or throat or anything they just say it's a viral something or the other and we live with a few more days of fever and cycle keeps repeating! Well when you feel like crap you sure don't want to share your mommy with a baby right? But we're working it out pretty well and I think once these viral things go away we're going to have a great "brother" relationship.
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