Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Been a busy time!

Wow, the past month and a half has been super busy, so much happening. I haven't had a chance to breath much less update!!

Lets start with Joshy's 2 mos pediatrician appointment. It didn't go so great, not bad but not great. Joshy only gained 10 ounces over his birth weight and about an inch in length. He was 8lbs 8oz at birth and only 9lbs 2oz at 2 mos. I knew he wasn't gaining well and I should have taken him in sooner but luckly for me to harm was done. His problem appears to be my breastmilk. Either he's not getting enough or there's not enough calories in it. I bought an infant/toddler scale and started supplementing him with formula and while it's still fluctuating (based directly on the amount of formula he gets or doesn't get) I've got him over 11lbs now! Not much over but at least he's gaining so it's not a medical problem. He's much less fussy now as well. I feel so badly that I was in essence starving my kid and didn't even know it! :(

I got a new job, closer to home. It's with the same company just closer so I don't waste all my time driving. I come off my maternity leave at 8 weeks but don't work until 2 weeks later, which is my last weekend at my old job. The following week I start at the new job. I hate the thought of leaving my boys but I trust that daddy will manage during the night just fine!

Joey is behind in his speech development. I talked to his pediatrician at Joshy's 2 mos appt and found that Joey is really really behind! I called early intervention to get him evaluated for speech therapy. We managed to get the first step taken care of, the paperwork, I'm still waiting for someone to come evaluate him! I've been working with him quite a bit and am noticing he's already doing better. His only word before was "thanks" (thanks to Blue's Clues!) now he's saying "all done", his own version of "here I am" or "here it is." Mom, mommy, dad, da-da, ball. But he's very stingy in what he'll say and when! I'm sure once the professionals are working with him he'll be talking so much I'll wish he'd be quite for 2 seconds! LOL

Well that's all I have time for now, there's more, but we have got to get ready for swimming class!

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The Character Joey is most like....

You Are Elmo
Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do! You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing. You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you. How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"