I'm thrilled! Didn't matter to me and we're not quitting yet anyway :) DH wants 3-4 kids total (if my body can take that much).
So anyway, last night at work (really Saturday morning) we were all bored. We can no longer surf the net so we had nothing to occupy our time. Well, then one of the nurses suggests we do a u/s to check gender because my dr wouldn't peek at my last appt. He said we couldn't really tell until 18w due to his machine, of course the one in his office isn't as nice as one to you find in a hospital. Well another nurse says he told her what her daughters gender was at only 11w!! I think he didn't want to take the chance of being too wrong having to u/s through all my excess chub! LOL
So, I'm like, how are we going to do this? Lo and Behold we have these smaller u/s machines for when the doctors place a PICC line in a patient. (PICC line is a type of IV that goes into the inner upper arm, the line is long and travels through the vein, across the chest to the tip of the heart and they can use it to give meds, IV fluids or draw blood) This is usually done in radiology but they use the little u/s's so they can do it in our ICU room so the nurse can assist and doesn't have to travel to radiology (ICU nurses can't allow their patient to go anywhere without them!)
The nurse takes me into an empty room and I lay down in the bed and tries the machine. Well she couldn't see nothing, couldn't even make out a uterus or anything like that. So she gets another machine I didn't know we had and tries it, still nothing. So on a last ditch effort she tries a different wand and BAM there's the baby. It was great, he was jumping all over the place, doing flips, had his left arm up over his head. I think he was very head down because we kept seeing a lot of his really awesome little feet. Finally he showed us between the legs and it looked very much like a blob (scrotum) she said she thought she saw the little penis too and of course just like Joey his little anus was very visable as well.
So since none of us are trained to use an u/s for this type of thing and the machine isn't made for this type of use I'm saying we're 65% sure it's a boy. I wouldn't be too shocked if on the 6th my dr said girl but I'd really want a good shot on his machine to be able to plan for a girl instead of boy. KWIM??
And his name will be Joshua James. We were going btw Benjamin and Joshua but someone who shall remain nameless told me they liked Benji over Joshie because they had a dog names Benji....well how can I name my son their dog's name??? I mean would you name a kid Rover or in our case Bosco!!! NO WAY!!! So Joshua it is :)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Talking Toddlers
While wasting time, awaiting news of my friends newborn baby I'm listening to my son playing and talking to himself in the crib patiently waiting for me to come get him out. Well it hit me, I have an update I need to son is finally and 14 1/2 very long months saying ma-ma!!! He just started it yesterday. He's been saying da-da and daddy forever now but ma-ma was elusive. I was just reminded of it as I'm listening to him now going ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mum in his crib! Too adorable.
Another newer word, less than a week old is eye. He will say eye and proceed to poke you in the eye to prove his point! LOL
He knows where the nose it but won't say the word yet and isn't very good at pointing to it on demand.
Ok, so that's it for now. ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mum needs to go get her kid, guess my friend hasn't had that baby yet!
Another newer word, less than a week old is eye. He will say eye and proceed to poke you in the eye to prove his point! LOL
He knows where the nose it but won't say the word yet and isn't very good at pointing to it on demand.
Ok, so that's it for now. ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mum needs to go get her kid, guess my friend hasn't had that baby yet!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Went to the orchard yesterday
Joey and I met up with some mom's and kids from our playgroup and we went to the orchard. We had a nice time, it's very much a place for kids. There's a big play area, pony ride, train ride (that's really a tractor not a train engine) petting area with goats and chickens and ducks....oh my. Then of course there's the orchard but I'm not sure where it is! We didn't get that far. Oh and there's a maze made out of "maize" stalks! LOL
We it was fun. Joey went on the train while I walked next to him. I couldn't even imagine how I'd get into the cart as it had to step and not door. I just don't bend like I used to and with this big old belly in the way....NO WAY. Lucky for me it went slow so I walked next to it. There was another pregnant mom there too, she is even further along than I so she too walked next to her 22mos old daughter instead of trying to climb into this thing!
Then I put Joey on a real pony. At first I just let him sit there hoping he wouldn't freak out. Then the guy took him for one trip around and that was enough. Joey did real good but I didn't want to push it. Not to mention they take the horse poop and put it in the middle area, you know the area where I am walking! YUCK!!
Well I was pooped, after the trips I did in circles I needed to sit my pregnant rear down and put something in my tummy. So we all went into the restaurant and had lunch. I have to say that with 4 mom's, 1 grandma, and 5 kids (6,3, 22mos, and 2 at 14mos) we all did real well! My kid was the whiny one, he was so over tired and missing his nap but it was a great day all together!
Afterwards we came home and both of us took a good 2 hr nap!
We it was fun. Joey went on the train while I walked next to him. I couldn't even imagine how I'd get into the cart as it had to step and not door. I just don't bend like I used to and with this big old belly in the way....NO WAY. Lucky for me it went slow so I walked next to it. There was another pregnant mom there too, she is even further along than I so she too walked next to her 22mos old daughter instead of trying to climb into this thing!

Then I put Joey on a real pony. At first I just let him sit there hoping he wouldn't freak out. Then the guy took him for one trip around and that was enough. Joey did real good but I didn't want to push it. Not to mention they take the horse poop and put it in the middle area, you know the area where I am walking! YUCK!!

Well I was pooped, after the trips I did in circles I needed to sit my pregnant rear down and put something in my tummy. So we all went into the restaurant and had lunch. I have to say that with 4 mom's, 1 grandma, and 5 kids (6,3, 22mos, and 2 at 14mos) we all did real well! My kid was the whiny one, he was so over tired and missing his nap but it was a great day all together!
Afterwards we came home and both of us took a good 2 hr nap!
Lazy day

Joey has this horrible thing right now that he's peeing more than his diapers can hold over night. So every morning when I get him up and change his diaper I have to take his PJ's off him too due to leakage.
Well this particular morning, daddy's army tee shirt was right there. So instead of takeing my lazy butt to get an outfit I decided the tee shirt would suffice for breakfast (works as a great bib too!)
Since my kid is only 10% in height, the tee shirt was longer on him than he is tall! LOL It was just too darn cute though. And he was too adorable trying to get the sleeves to move out of his way when he'd bend over to pick up a toy on the floor!
County fair trip
Well since the State Fair trip was a bust, I though we'd try the county fair as it was not going to be anywhere near the size of the state fair and not have near the amount of people.
Ended up being a good trip. Joey got to see some animals, he really loves pigs!
Then his little girlfriend's grandpa took him to play the ducks. He LOVED that and did very well. He got a little stuffed doggy as his prize.
We had a good time at this fair!
Ended up being a good trip. Joey got to see some animals, he really loves pigs!

Then his little girlfriend's grandpa took him to play the ducks. He LOVED that and did very well. He got a little stuffed doggy as his prize.

We had a good time at this fair!
State Fair 2006

Joey took his first trip to the State Fair this year with mommy and her friend from work. Just like his daddy, Joey isn't too fond of big crowds so he didn't have that great of a time unfortunately. Mom's biggest reason for wanting to take him was for the carousel ride. As soon as he got on it he was in heaven, just loved the horse and was petting it. Then that darn old carousel started to move! Oh my, that is not good. Joey don't like when the horsey moves. Maaaaaaaa, get me offfffff this thing!!!! Save me ma-ma!!!!

Well that was it for the ride. I held him the rest of the time and boy is that ride slow when you just want to get the heck off! After that we went to the expo to maybe buy Joey something for this first time trip but he didn't like the crowd in there in spite of the fact that it was air conditioned. So we didn't get anything and just left. We had a good time, while it lasted!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
More toofies!!
Joey is 14months old today!!! What a big boy he is. I think he has recently had a growth spurt, he appears taller! All this past weekend he was a very crabby clingy boy. I chalked it up to teething but being old, he doesn't let me look into his mouth. So yesterday I took a chance and stuck my finger in there to feel for any new toofies coming through....low and behold he had two, one on the left bottom (molar) and one on the right top (molar). Today I stuck my finger in to see if there was any more progress (all I could feel yesterday was a few bumps that had broken the skin, not a full tooth yet) and today there was another one on the bottom, right side this time (it did feel swollen yesterday so I'm not all that shocked)!!! 
He's also truly decided he has no fear of falling or heights. Not only did he fall off his cars which are made for sitting on, today but he was also throwing himself off this rubbermaid container that I put his daddy's army stuff in! Luckly he was falling towards me, this container was pretty high for that sort of thing! I guess my boy is ALL boy and I'm going to have major heart attacks and he's going to have multiple numerous cuts and bruises from all his antics. LOL
He's also truly decided he has no fear of falling or heights. Not only did he fall off his cars which are made for sitting on, today but he was also throwing himself off this rubbermaid container that I put his daddy's army stuff in! Luckly he was falling towards me, this container was pretty high for that sort of thing! I guess my boy is ALL boy and I'm going to have major heart attacks and he's going to have multiple numerous cuts and bruises from all his antics. LOL
Monday, August 07, 2006
Where oh where do I start now.

Joey is 13months old and is the joy of our lives. His gross motor skills have always been way ahead of schedule. The only thing he did late was roll and once he rolled at 6 months he was crawling and everything else in a flash! He was first sitting up unassisted for a minute or more at only 3mos. Talk about early!! He's walking very very well but still falls quite a bit and not running yet, though he can walk pretty darn fast when he wants to. He loves the water and loves to swim. He does great when I put his head under the water and has just recently started putting his face in the water all by himself!
What he's not doing right now is talking much. He will say da-da and daddy and ba-ba which means the dog. No ma-ma for his primary caregiver though. Oh and he's is such a daddy's boy. Oh my it's amazing what a switch he made between me and my husband! Now when daddy is around, mama is chopped liver. What a little stinker he is.
We have this really nice bedtime ritual right now. Daddy would brush Joey's teeth and while doing that I would get his water cup ready and make sure his crib was clear for him. Then we'd both take him and put him in the crib and that was it for the night. Well daddy wasn't home the other night so mommy took over. NO WAY was he going to sleep without daddy! OMG it was amazing. Finally I figured out what the problem was and daddy put him down and we didn't hear a peep out of him again. Since then we've reversed roles as daddy will be out of town soon and I don't know what this kid will do without him!
Oh and my most important news to bring this blog up to date is that Joey is going to be a big brother in late January/early February! We still don't know if it's boy or girl (we may not tell until birth either!) But we're very excited. Joey, however, hasn't got a clue. Oh well, he'll figure it out soon enough. Officially my due date is February 2, 2007 but I will be induced by 39w if I don't go sooner. All of us, me, hubby and Joey have odd day birthdays so I talked to the doctor already about going in maybe January 26th or 28th and hopefully having the baby on the 27th or 29th! Then we can all have odd birthdays. In my family I'm the only one with a odd birthday, I wonder if that's why I see very little of them, aren't very close to them and they all see each other all the time? To them I'm a bit on the odd side! LOL
Oh well I'm looking for more cute graphics but until I find them here's more Winnie the Pooh! (my favorite not Joey's)
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Oh my what a challenge
So my friend has a blog here and has it all set up nice and cute with blinkies and graphics and such. Well I want to copy her. Lord Almighty, what a task that was! Finding out where to put the codes in the big box of codes was tough work and took me hours. But I did it!!! And I'm so proud of myself. Now if I can just find the time to blog on a regular basis it will make it that much more worth while!
See ya later, I gotta get to bed!
See ya later, I gotta get to bed!
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