We it was fun. Joey went on the train while I walked next to him. I couldn't even imagine how I'd get into the cart as it had to step and not door. I just don't bend like I used to and with this big old belly in the way....NO WAY. Lucky for me it went slow so I walked next to it. There was another pregnant mom there too, she is even further along than I so she too walked next to her 22mos old daughter instead of trying to climb into this thing!

Then I put Joey on a real pony. At first I just let him sit there hoping he wouldn't freak out. Then the guy took him for one trip around and that was enough. Joey did real good but I didn't want to push it. Not to mention they take the horse poop and put it in the middle area, you know the area where I am walking! YUCK!!

Well I was pooped, after the trips I did in circles I needed to sit my pregnant rear down and put something in my tummy. So we all went into the restaurant and had lunch. I have to say that with 4 mom's, 1 grandma, and 5 kids (6,3, 22mos, and 2 at 14mos) we all did real well! My kid was the whiny one, he was so over tired and missing his nap but it was a great day all together!
Afterwards we came home and both of us took a good 2 hr nap!
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