Joey is 13months old and is the joy of our lives. His gross motor skills have always been way ahead of schedule. The only thing he did late was roll and once he rolled at 6 months he was crawling and everything else in a flash! He was first sitting up unassisted for a minute or more at only 3mos. Talk about early!! He's walking very very well but still falls quite a bit and not running yet, though he can walk pretty darn fast when he wants to. He loves the water and loves to swim. He does great when I put his head under the water and has just recently started putting his face in the water all by himself!
What he's not doing right now is talking much. He will say da-da and daddy and ba-ba which means the dog. No ma-ma for his primary caregiver though. Oh and he's is such a daddy's boy. Oh my it's amazing what a switch he made between me and my husband! Now when daddy is around, mama is chopped liver. What a little stinker he is.
We have this really nice bedtime ritual right now. Daddy would brush Joey's teeth and while doing that I would get his water cup ready and make sure his crib was clear for him. Then we'd both take him and put him in the crib and that was it for the night. Well daddy wasn't home the other night so mommy took over. NO WAY was he going to sleep without daddy! OMG it was amazing. Finally I figured out what the problem was and daddy put him down and we didn't hear a peep out of him again. Since then we've reversed roles as daddy will be out of town soon and I don't know what this kid will do without him!
Oh and my most important news to bring this blog up to date is that Joey is going to be a big brother in late January/early February! We still don't know if it's boy or girl (we may not tell until birth either!) But we're very excited. Joey, however, hasn't got a clue. Oh well, he'll figure it out soon enough. Officially my due date is February 2, 2007 but I will be induced by 39w if I don't go sooner. All of us, me, hubby and Joey have odd day birthdays so I talked to the doctor already about going in maybe January 26th or 28th and hopefully having the baby on the 27th or 29th! Then we can all have odd birthdays. In my family I'm the only one with a odd birthday, I wonder if that's why I see very little of them, aren't very close to them and they all see each other all the time? To them I'm a bit on the odd side! LOL
Oh well I'm looking for more cute graphics but until I find them here's more Winnie the Pooh! (my favorite not Joey's)
1 comment:
Joey is soo cute!!! He is going to be a looker watch out ladies!! Love the website!! Dont worry it took me hours and hours while on materinty leave to figure out the code thing too!!
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