Sunday, August 27, 2006


I'm thrilled! Didn't matter to me and we're not quitting yet anyway :) DH wants 3-4 kids total (if my body can take that much).

So anyway, last night at work (really Saturday morning) we were all bored. We can no longer surf the net so we had nothing to occupy our time. Well, then one of the nurses suggests we do a u/s to check gender because my dr wouldn't peek at my last appt. He said we couldn't really tell until 18w due to his machine, of course the one in his office isn't as nice as one to you find in a hospital. Well another nurse says he told her what her daughters gender was at only 11w!! I think he didn't want to take the chance of being too wrong having to u/s through all my excess chub! LOL
So, I'm like, how are we going to do this? Lo and Behold we have these smaller u/s machines for when the doctors place a PICC line in a patient. (PICC line is a type of IV that goes into the inner upper arm, the line is long and travels through the vein, across the chest to the tip of the heart and they can use it to give meds, IV fluids or draw blood) This is usually done in radiology but they use the little u/s's so they can do it in our ICU room so the nurse can assist and doesn't have to travel to radiology (ICU nurses can't allow their patient to go anywhere without them!)

The nurse takes me into an empty room and I lay down in the bed and tries the machine. Well she couldn't see nothing, couldn't even make out a uterus or anything like that. So she gets another machine I didn't know we had and tries it, still nothing. So on a last ditch effort she tries a different wand and BAM there's the baby. It was great, he was jumping all over the place, doing flips, had his left arm up over his head. I think he was very head down because we kept seeing a lot of his really awesome little feet. Finally he showed us between the legs and it looked very much like a blob (scrotum) she said she thought she saw the little penis too and of course just like Joey his little anus was very visable as well.

So since none of us are trained to use an u/s for this type of thing and the machine isn't made for this type of use I'm saying we're 65% sure it's a boy. I wouldn't be too shocked if on the 6th my dr said girl but I'd really want a good shot on his machine to be able to plan for a girl instead of boy. KWIM??

And his name will be Joshua James. We were going btw Benjamin and Joshua but someone who shall remain nameless told me they liked Benji over Joshie because they had a dog names Benji....well how can I name my son their dog's name??? I mean would you name a kid Rover or in our case Bosco!!! NO WAY!!! So Joshua it is :)

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The Character Joey is most like....

You Are Elmo
Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do! You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing. You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you. How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"